
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 22:20:53

Zhenhong Wang

HOB: Old English nickname for Robert, meaning "famous."

HODEI: Basque name meaning "cloud."

HODGE: Old English nickname for Roger, meaning "famous spear."

HOHEPA: Maori form of Joseph, meaning "(God) shall add," which is
usually taken to mean "God will add another son."

HOKOLESQUA: Native American Shawnee name meaning "cornstalk."

HOLDEN: "Deep valley." English surname transferred to forename use,
composed of the Old English elements hol "deep, hollow, sunken" and
denu "valley."

HOLGER: Variant of Old Norse Hólmgeirr, meaning "spear island."

HOLLIS: "Lives near the holly trees." English surname transferred to
unisex forename use, itself from Old English holegn "holly" denoting
someone who lived where holly trees grew.