not have to不是不必的意思吗?为什么翻译为必须?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 03:24:29
not have to不是不必的意思吗?为什么翻译为必须?

"Taxpayers for generations will pay for our haste, and there is no guarantee that they will ever see the benefits," she said. "We should not reward bad behavior. Wall Street will not have to learn its lesson, and we are not doing anything to keep them from running our economy into the ground again."


我后来又查了一下,这种属于地方性的习惯性用法,是翻译为“必须”。例如:"I don't love you no more."翻译为“我不再爱你!”



以上译文为意译。Wall Street will not have to learn its lesson,如果直译,应该是:华尔街没有必要吃到苦头(才接受教训)。总的来说,原译文质量不高。如果意译为:“华尔街不该为坏的经济行为埋单”则比较忠实于原文。