
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 08:45:21

By the middle of the nineteenth century, the United States is willing to take the North-game home state Shelby home to maintain a loyal owner of the interests of the black slaves, as we all called him Uncle Tom. Shelby speculation in the stock market and the failure of bankruptcy, such as Tom Tom Ten Li Geli black slaves sold to slave traders debt. Lige Li bought the boat returned to the black slaves in the South as a little girl had an incurable disease, in particular, like to sing Uncle Tom, she firmly on the request of her father bought a St. Clair Uncle Tom. As the St. Clair that the liberation of black slaves, Li Geli, and so on, he hated his master's bones, then he will Xia Dushou stab in the back, Uncle Tom to fall into the hands of traffickers Li Geli, Uncle Tom do not want to save for the full play of the Lige Li Kaxi slave, the car was seriously injured Zhuang Cheng. In his dying moments, and finally realize the fight will only free the truth, he urged the black slaves