
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 11:38:11
连环套 一女下夜班,一男尾随图谋不轨,女子惧怕,路过坟地,灵机一动,对着坟墓说:“爸爸,我回来了,开门啊。”男子大惧,奔逃而去。女子心安,正要离开,忽然坟墓中传来阴森森的声音:“闺女,你又忘带钥匙了。”女子惊骇,也奔逃而去。从坟墓中钻出个盗墓的说:“耽误我工作,吓死你们!”盗墓的话音刚落,就发现旁边有个老头正拿着凿子刻墓碑,好奇,问之,老头愤怒地说:“他们把我的名字刻错了。”盗墓的大惧,飞奔而逃。老头冷笑一声:“敢和我抢生意,还嫩点儿......”正说着,一不小心凿子掉在地上,老头正要拾,一弯腰,发现凿子被握在草丛里的一只手里,老头正吃惊,一个声音说:“你找死呀,乱改我家门牌号!”老头吓得屁滚尿流,滚下山坡。这时,一个拾荒者从草丛中爬出:“唉,这年头搞一块废铁也得费这么大劲!”



Xia Yeban sets of chain and a woman, a man followed bad plot, the women's fear of passing through the cemetery, the inspiration, at the tomb said: "Dad, I come back, ah open the door." Big men fear, run away. Women's peace of mind, was about to leave the grave in all of a sudden came the ominous sound: "The daughter, Wang Dai you the keys." Horrified woman, and run away. Drilled in a tomb from the Raider said: "I held up, scared to death of you!" Raider's voice faded, it was found next to the old man had a tombstone is engraved with a chisel, out of curiosity, asked, the old man said angrily: " They carved my name wrong. "Raider great fear, run and flee. An old man sneered: "I am pinching and also some young ......" being said, accidentally chisel off the ground, the old man about to pick up a bent, the chisel was found in bushes in the grip Of a hand, the old man is surprised, a voice said