问一个英语问题 要求速度回答

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 14:20:04
he study too easy 这个句子有没有语法错误。我得原意是:他学的(东西)过于简单。

1 我没有义务被人欺骗 (用cheat)
2 我参加tutorial center的收获多于再学校 (参加用attend)

要表达“他学的(东西)过于简单。”需要使用从句,就可以说“what he studies is too easy."
I do not have any duty to be cheated.
what i got in attending the tutorial center is more than that of school.

1.I have no obligation for being cheated.
2.The konwledge I gained from participating tutorial center is more than what I gained from attending school.