
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 03:59:10


Bressanone bressanone
听Matthew Lien(马修·连恩)的作品《Bressanone》,顿时着迷于其空灵的声音和旋律,此曲来自他的一张名为《狼》的专辑,该曲集中展示了他的音乐风格,和谐、空灵、舒缓,娓娓而来又挥挥而去。《Bressanon》发布的背景是,当时加拿大要推出一个保护驯鹿而有计划地猎杀狼的计划,多位环保音乐家联合起来,出了这张专辑以此来对这一事件进行反思。专辑中收入此曲应该是希望将歌曲中的意境带给我们,在其间的旋律中体会心灵与自然的交接。
Bressanone 歌词
Here I stand in Bressanone
with the stars up in the sky
Are they shining over Brenner
and upon the other side
you would be a sweet surrender
I must go the other way
And my train will carry me onward
though my heart would surely stay
Wo my heart would surely stay
Now the clouds are flying by me
and the moon is the rise
I have left stars behind me
they were disamonds in your skies
You would be a sweet surrender
I must go the other way
And my train will carry me onward
though my heart would surely stay
Wo my heart would surely stay