
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 11:46:31
1. during the late 1800s,the press created a crisis over the Spanish American war by publishing false,misleading,or even made up stories…how has the press played a major role in influencing opinion today? On Iraq? On election 2008? On any other items?

2 during the Spanish American war, secretary of state john hay said it was” nothing but a splendid little war…” in 2003-2004,george W. bush said almost the same about Iraq? Was he right or wrong? Why?

3. How did the Roosevelt corollary impact US policy internationally?


1. during the late 1800s,the press created a crisis over the Spanish American war by publishing false,misleading,or even made up stories…how has the press played a major role in influencing opinion today? On Iraq? On election 2008? On any other items?

18世纪后期,因出版新闻的不真实,误导性,甚至是特意杜撰造成了西班牙和美国之间的一场战争危机,现今新闻媒体在扮演一个什么样的角色来影响民众的意识? 比方说:伊拉克战争? 2008大选? 或者其他什么事?

2 during the Spanish American war, secretary of state john hay said it was” nothing but a splendid little war…” in 2003-2004,george W. bush said almost the same about Iraq? Was he right or wrong? Why?

3. How did the Roosevelt corollary impact US policy internationally

1, 十九世纪末,新闻出版界由于散布错误的,带有误导性的甚至是故意捏造的消息造成了美西(美国与西班牙)战争的一场危机。如今,媒体在影响民众态度与观点的时候又会扮演什么角色呢?比如:比如在伊拉克问题,2008年大选或者其他任何事情上?

2, 在美西战争的时候,美国国务卿约翰黑尔宣称这场战争是“没什么大不了的,但是很漂亮的小战役”。同样在2003 到2004年,乔治沃克布什 对伊拉克战