
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 14:13:58
how to use a washing machine
need 150 words

How would you like to reach a couple of million people with your products and services...for FREE?

That is exactly what occurs when you start writing articles and submitting them to hundreds of ezines. Currently there are tens of thousands of ezine publishers online and almost all of them have one thing in common. They are all looking for good content to publish in their newsletter.

If you have good content (not a sales letter cloaked as an article), then you can be their savior. You can give them exactly what they need. Then, they will give you what you need in exchange. They will give you exposure for your business.

Every article comes with a resource box attached at the end of it. While your article should not be an effort to promote your business, your 4 to 6 line resource box should be an outright ad for you and your business. You are free to advertise your web site, your products, your services, or any affiliate program that you are a member of