
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 09:03:01
2008年9月6号,阳光明媚,晴空万里,乘了5,6小时的汽车,我又来到了洛阳师范学院。和去年不同的是,我正式成为了外语系的一名学生,记得去年预科一年,我整天期待着早点结业,早点进入外国语学院。每次从外国语学院教学楼旁经过时,都有一种特殊的感觉。想着:明年的这个时候我也会坐在这栋楼的教室里为未来奋斗。多么幸福。。。每次来学校都是妈妈送我,这次也不例外,不过我感到内疚的是自己不太懂事,妈妈晕车,路上一直不停地呕吐,早该学会自立了,不应该老以来父母的。 下了车后我们先在树阴下休息了会,然后我去中国银行交了学费,然后去报道,报道的程序跟去年差不多。呵呵,当我知道自己的宿舍被分到6楼的时候,我感觉很惊讶。不过考虑到能为我减肥提供条件,挺开心的。忙碌了大半天,当完成报道任务后,心里特别塌实。 虽然很累。。和妈妈一起去吃了饭后去了宿舍,我行李又多又沉,掂到6楼真是一件不简单的事。一到宿舍妈妈就让我休息,然后她给我整理床铺,柜子,桌子,一直没闲着。真是可怜天下父母心。。。没过多久,宿舍陆陆续续来了几个室友,我们相互打了招呼,很庆幸的是我们几个都是河南人,可以说家乡话。她们挺热情友好的。相信我们在四年的生活中会和睦相处,成为好姐妹的。 人一忙碌起来就会感觉时间过的快,不知觉一天快过完了。6点左右,我下楼买了饭,打包掂到楼上,妈妈说她不想吃,我不愿意。说“不行,你消耗了那么多能量,不吃饭我会心疼的” 是妈妈太累了,再加上天那么热,没胃口,但是为了我,妈妈勉强吃了点。静下来。。。。看着妈妈头发里夹杂的白发,额头上深深的皱纹,心里一阵酸楚,那是她岁月为我们操劳留下的痕迹。”

那么辛苦帮你翻译完,你就这样,今天受人提醒一句:不要给匿名者翻译英语。poor child,I'm 100% sure that--->you are not competent of your subject,and what's more,u even cannot understand the heart of ur mother,dob't u feel a little guilty,uh?what the heck of u on earth,I can find u out in the Internet,little,it's time for u to pay me back,holy asshole!

September 6, 2008, the sunny, blue skies, the five or six hours by car, I also came to Luoyang Teachers College. Last year, and the difference is that I had become a student of the Department of Foreign Languages, I remember that last year matriculation, I look forward to the day to close down as soon as possible, as soon as possible into foreign languages. Every time from the floor, next to the teaching of foreign languages when they have a special feeling. Think: this time next year I will be sitting in the classroom buildings of the struggle for the future. How well-being. . . Each school are sent to my mother, this is no exception, but I feel gu