
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 08:15:44

1.the F1 had been held successfully in the consecutive session in china and chinese have also the opportunity to take part in the F1 sports at home

2.what i wathc the F1 racing is to experience its passion. when I am feeling the spead and passion,simultaneously, I have been facing the the everyday life actively. Have the passion in the eveyday life in order to the life more colorful!I have strongly belived that if you are also trying to experience the passion of the racing car and the racing car will bring you much happiness


1:Several Formula-1 Racing have been held successfully in China, and hence the Chinese people have the opportunity to enjoy the F1 races near at home.

2:I went to the F1 races simply to experience the passion. While enjoying the excitement brought by speed, I face my life with a positive attitude. And the passion I brougt into my life would in turn make my life a rich and colorful one. I believe moto