
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:58:06
Social scientists agree that a system for exchanging goods and services is not only present but also of necessity in all societies.
答案说for exchanging 错了,可是我认为of necessity 错误,因为not only but also 要用平行结构,of necessity 应为NECESSARY。

for exchanging 是最明显的错误, 如果你要改of necessity --> necessary,还要该in --> for ...in 有划线么? 不管怎样,先把最明显的错误找出来,你想太多了=)

这是哪的题?如果说for exchanging错一定是a system for的问题,可是我查了好像也有a system for这种用法啊,朗文里:an organized set of ideas,methods,or ways of working;--system of\for doing something
Eg,a system for dealing with complaints from customers.
这么看来,for exchaning 没问题吧……

这是我的看法= =再说,not only but also 多明显的平行结构啊

我上新东方的时候鄂文君那么强调平行结构,虽然of necessity=necessary,但是既然for exchanging没明显错误,当然要改平行。答案对的话……我解释不出……


这里be of necessity 就等于necessary

我也认为答案对,因为be of necessity =necessary