
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 16:07:33
这是一家巧克力蛋糕店。“awfully chocolate”是来自新加坡的甜食品牌。为了保证新鲜,awfully chocolate的所有产品都放置在密封的冷藏柜里,从不现身在展示柜台。这家店前阵子刚举办了教小朋友手工制作蛋糕的活动,反响很好。

This is a store/shop that specializes in chocolate cakes. Awfully Chocolate is a dessert brand that originated from Singapore. In order to maintain the freshness of their products, all of Awfully Chocolate's pastries are kept in sealed freezers, never on display. A short while ago the store held an event that taught children how to make cake, which was met with great feedbacks.

"awfully chocolate", a chocolate cake store, is a desert brand, originally from Singapore. In order to keep the freshness, all of "awfully chocolate" products are keeping refrigerated in sealed freezers, and never showed in counters. This store held an activity to teach kids how to make cakes, and received good feedback.