
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 11:29:06
英语对话,我们期中要口试,老师出了5个题目,让我们去准备,期中要随便抽一题出来考我们!所以我5题都要准备,我找不到!希望学哥学姐们帮帮我!我会非常感激您的!题目是一,A去出差,B去接机场A,A和B是老朋友;二,A去B参观,会议室很热,窗户是关着的,A和B很渴,但是桌子上没水 ;三,A在机场登记口,A看到B,A突然意识到自己和B是同一个跨国公司;四,A向B推销收集;五:A是高层,A想了解B,A邀请B到A的办公室,讨论一些个人和工作的问题,如果告诉我,能找到这些对话的网址也可以!再说声谢谢了!

B: A,over here!!
A: Hi my friend! I'm so glad to see you! how are you today?
B: Great, we've been long time no see, how was your travel?
A: It's okey, Air China always have a good service!
B: That's good. Let's go to the hotel first, then I'll introduce my friend Helen for you, remember I told you about her last time? She is a very cute.
A: Okey, I'll see!

B: Follow me, let's go to meeting room.
A: Okey!
B: Sit down please!
A: Thanks! So, this is your meeting room, very nice!
B: I'm happy you like it...May be a little bit hot here, do you think so?
A: That's ture, shall we open the windows? It's pretty cool outside.
B: I'll try, but I believe those windows are locked due to healthy and safety reasons.
A: Fair enough then. May I have a glass of water B? I'm thirsty.
B: I firm