
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 12:39:50

1.袁隆平1964年开始从事水稻研究,1981年荣获我国第一个国家发明特等奖.(the First National Special Prize)

2.他的一些作品被选入了中学和大学课本.(collect,high school and college)

1.Long-Ping Yuan,who started working on rice research in 1964, won the the First National Special Prize in 1981.

2.Some of his works were collected by high school and college.

1.Yuan Longping in 1964 began working in rice research in China in 1981 was awarded the first country invented a top award
2.Some of his works selected for a secondary school and university textbooks