
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 12:33:49
根据香格里拉2005年年报显示,集团总销售额为8.42亿美元,总利润为1.583亿美元,中国内地分部仍然以2.786亿美元的销售额和5060万美元的利润雄踞各分部榜首。同时,由于特别得益于内地市场,香格里拉酒店的客房收入同比增长了16%。香格里拉酒店集团之所以在中国发展壮大,赢得业界和顾客赞誉的一个关键是:“以人为本”的企业文化,超值的酒店产品与服务。香格里拉秉承独特的亚洲式殷情好客之道,以此为经营思想,以“为客人提供物有所值的特色服务和创新产品,令客人喜出望外”为指导原则,长期坚持以优质的酒店产品与服务来塑造集团豪华酒店品牌形象,提高顾客忠诚。让员工在与客人的接触中表现出尊重备至、彬彬有礼、真诚质朴、乐于助人、善解人意的待客之道 ;对于管理人员,香格里拉要求其具有追求经营业绩的魄力,同时强调行政管理人员要与客人保持直接接触,强调和奖励那些能够令客人喜出望外的言行举止。香格里拉酒店集团标准化的管理及个性化的服务赢得了国际社会的高度赞誉。另外,香格里拉酒店集团以购并、控股、重组等方式实现其品牌的横向一体化扩张,实现了集团在短时间内的迅速发展壮大。

According to the annual report of the Shangri-La in 2005, the Group's total sales of 842,000,000 U.S. dollars, with a total profit of 158,300,000 U.S. dollars, the mainland of China branch in order to continue to 278,600,000 U.S. dollars in sales and profits of 50,600,000 U.S. dollars ranked the top division. At the same time, in particular benefited from the mainland market, the Shangri-La hotel room revenue grew 16%. Shangri-La Hotels in China was growing, the industry won the praise of customers and a key is: "people-oriented" enterprise culture, the value of the hotel products and services. Shangri-La Asia distinctive carry-Yin love a good host, operating as a thought, "for offering value for money services and features innovative products, so that the guests a pleasant surprise" as the guiding principle for a long time to high-quality products and hotels Services Group to create luxury hotel brand, customer loyalty to increase. Let the guests and staff i