9句英语翻译 (中-英)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 20:17:57
1. 不能不佩服他多年来埋头苦干的精神。
1. 申请此职位的人,有工作的经验的优先录取。
3. 我们可以追溯到最早的时代,追溯到从伊甸乐园流放出来的时代。
4. 我已经提前完成了交给我的任务。他也是提前完成了交给他的任务。
5. 许多作家的作品在他们活着的时候得不到人们充分的赏识。
6. 记者纷纷飞到阿拉斯加去了。
7. 他们公司的人都有权享有医疗保障。
8. 人类利用自然科学去理解自然,改造自然。
9. 如果你想听我坦诚的意见的话,我认为这个计划不会成功。

PS:1. 句子挺简单的,不过要注意增补减译直译意译等这些细节的处理~~表达要地道。
2. 自从上次发了篇日语翻译上来,发现还有蛮多牛人~~ 所以想交流一下~~就把这次笔译的作业发了上来~~o(∩_∩)o...

1. Can not but admire his spirit of working hard over the years.

1. To apply for this job, there is the experience of giving priority to the one.

3. We can be traced back to the earliest times, dating back to the Garden of Eden from exile by the times.

4. I have already completed ahead of schedule to me. He also finished ahead of him.

5. Many of the works of writers who live in a time when people are not fully appreciated.

6. Correspondents have had to fly to Alaska.

7.'s They who are entitled to medical care.

8. Use of the natural sciences to understand human nature, natural transformation.

9. If you want to listen to my frank opinion, I think this plan will not succeed.