best of the best是什么意思?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 13:53:08
不合适的话“精彩集锦”用英文怎么说? 用在街舞的精彩集锦视频的标题。 大家帮忙啊,是我们的街舞传到国。外。网。站去,别让我们在标题上丢人啊…… 谢谢了

best of the best 当然可以,就是最好、顶尖的意思。还是个电影名字:)
但是 “精彩集锦” 用 Collection Highlights 更加适合英语习惯。

英文名:Best of the Best: Without Warning
导演:Phillip Rhee
主演:俄尼·哈德森 托宾·贝尔 Damon Caro 理查德·盖特罗内 Jessica Collins
类型:惊怵 冒险 动作
地区:美国 对白:英语
颜色:彩色 声音:Stereo
时长:90 分钟
分级:芬兰:K-16 美国:R 葡萄牙:M/16

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A group of Russian mobsters have stolen a huge supply of paper for printing U.S. currency, and are now flooding the market with conterfeit bills. When one of the mobsters decides to give herself in and hand over a data CD to the DA, she is shot and killed, but not before handing the disc to an unsuspecting Tommy Lee. Despite working with the police as a martial arts instructor, Lee doesn't go to the cops with the disc, but instead goes on the run, giving the mafia time to kidnap his daughter and hold as a hostage in exchange for return