请大家写一篇英文小作文 高分送上

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 12:17:41
内容:Do you think mobile homes should be considered real estale for tax purpose?why or why not?你认为移动房屋是否因为交税而具有不动产的性质?

要求:有点专业~随便用什么方法~只要文法没错~最好简单点的句子 120字

最好10/31日下午前 谢谢
我.... 你们太会扯了 要和内容一样啊

一 Dear mom and dad,

It has been two weeks since I last wrote to you. I am so sorry that I don't write you very often.

However, I have been busy with my preparation
for the final exams. As you know, I'm coming home on Jan.14th. But before that, I have to take the final exams for all six classes I'm taking this semester. Recently I have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes. Most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final. I think I'm doing okay studying for the final.

Besides reviewing materials, I'm also planning to host the New Year party of my department. You know there are so many talented people in my Communications major, but they picked me to host the party! Great, isn't it?

Well gotta go talk to you soon.

Love you,

一 Dear mom and dad,

It has been two w