creativity and scores in education

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 07:34:39

1中国,scores很重要,但毕业后creativity 却显得更重要。
2在学习和读书的过程中不能忽视对creativity 的培养
3在国外,children很小就开始培养creativity ,长大后动手能力强,又能帮助动脑思维,他们的车库就是他们培养creativity 的地方
4如果scores很高,而creativity 不行,很难适应现在的社会,因为书本上的知识不足以帮你了解这个社会,立足于这个社会
5在某种程度上creativity 比scores更重要,创造先于发展

creativity and scores in education

creativity and scores in education,which is more important?it is a question.i hold the view that creativity goes first.we are clear that nowadays more and more students work day by day just for geting higher scores,even their parents.they have to take part-time classes in order to improve their scores?but clam down, does it help? all we get is the score, it proves, think about a person without creativity ,he turns out to be eighty when he is in eighteen.creativity is a personality that make you clever and younger, it drive you to creat new things and write down new ideas.a life full of creativity will bring you happiness and lead you to success.