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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 08:25:29
Current thinking is that Chinese markets will rally at a furious pace through the 2008 Summer Olympics -- and then investors should take the money and run. Don't bet your gold medal that strategy will work.

By Jim Jubak

I read something in The Wall Street Journal last week that really scared me (besides the editorial page, I mean): "In Beijing, investors talk of a one-way bet on the market until at least next year's Olympics."

In other words, even though the Shanghai stock market is up 52% this year, was up 130% in 2006 and is up 305% since this rally began back in June 2005, and even though everyone knows this speculative bubble isn't sustainable, it's smart to keep pouring money into Chinese stocks -- no matter their price -- because the government won't intervene and risk crashing the market until after the showcase Beijing Olympics are over.

So invest as much as you can in anything you can until Aug. 24, 200
