
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 14:54:27
帮我翻译下这段“第二次世界大战后,由于他参加进步的文化活动而受到美国麦卡锡主义的迫害。1952年他怀着满腔愤恨,带着妻子儿子离开美国回到英国。以后长期定居在瑞士洛桑附近的韦威,直到逝世。 1977年12月25日凌晨4时,世界著名的幽默大师查理•卓别林,在瑞士洛桑附近的韦威逝世,终年88岁。”·真谢谢喇··

"post-World War II, as he took part in the progress of cultural activities by the United States and the persecution of McCarthyism. In 1952 he filled with resentment, with his wife to leave the United States to return to Britain. After a long time to settle in Lausanne, Switzerland, in the vicinity of the Wei Wei, until the death. At 4 o'clock on December 25, 1977, the world famous humorist • Charlie Chaplin, in Lausanne, Switzerland, in the vicinity of Wei Wei, died 88 years old. "