
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 00:24:37

Early in the morning on May 1 the same day, the weather was fine, I, together with her mother and her colleagues in advance of an appointment to go to amusement parks to play in Quanzhou, but to ride the bus station. One at the railway station, there is already a sea of people, although there are a number of police patrols there, passengers can still did not line up, and other vehicles. We have no alternative but to know what to do standing there, and so on. We waited a long time to come to a bus, we see that those on board were not down, under the cars of those who had rushed to, and we also follow up the can on a car, all seats Have been filled, we have to continue to wait for the next car. Guolehaojiu Also, the car finally came, I ran stride big step forward, finally get a bus, my mother hard to stand up to move, I was worried that an adult squash, the mother behind the effort to block To get people, but people Jiju too much effort, the mother of both crashed through the glasses,