
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 09:06:34
本文重点是对Microsoft Speech SDK识别结果的处理及具有情感的语音合成实现。 首先,针对儿童与玩伴机器人对话主要是简单语句的特点,采用抽取关键词的方式实现对自然语言语义的判断。其次,详细介绍了自然语言处理针对关键词抽取的方法,结合实现方法的优缺点和儿童玩伴机器人语音交互的要求,提出了基于语义和词性的关键词获取方式。然后,采用了HMM模型和Viterbi算法作为本文研究的主要理论,详细阐述了自然语言关键词获取的过程,以及通过知识库获取机器人回答内容的方法。最后,利用语义分析算法,分析人对机器人语音输入的情感,通过情绪分析模型根据上一次对话情感和当前输入情感确定机器人输出情感,然后通过改变机器人语音合成的音调、语速、音量来实现不同的情感表达。

This article focuses on Microsoft Speech SDK to identify and deal with the results of the emotional speech synthesis to achieve. First of all, children and friends robot dialogue is a simple statement of the main features of using words taken from the way for the realization of natural language semantics of the judge. Secondly, the details of natural language processing for keywords extraction method, combining the advantages and disadvantages of implementation and children playmates interactive robot voice request, based on the semantic part of speech and access to the key word means. Then, using the HMM model and the Viterbi algorithm as the main theory of this paper, detailed access to the natural language words, as well as the knowledge base through access to the contents of the robot to answer. Finally, the use of semantic analysis algorithms, analysis of the robot Speech on the importation of emotion, sentiment analysis of the model through a dialogue based on emotion and emot