
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 03:10:28
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has since been replaced at the top of that list by Aluminum Corp of China, which bought into mining giant Rio Tinto in January. But this won’t undermine the sense of occasion when shareholders in South Africa’s Standard Bank approve the sale of a 20% stake to the Chinese lender in early March. The price tag is US$5.5 billion.

中国工商银行在名单上第一的位置已经被中国铝业公司取代。这家公司曾在一月份收购过矿业巨头Rio Tinto的股份。不过这并不会影响到南非标准银行股东们批准在三月上旬将20 %的股份chu shou gei中方借出人的意愿。