
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 04:10:38
紧急翻译英语~Mr和Mrs赚了许多钱,他们去旅行,他们住在靠海的豪华的旅店,这家饭店给他们安排的时间是上午7点到11点半吃早餐。12点到3点是午餐。4点到5点是下午茶。6点到9点半是晚餐Mr and Mrs 想这样的时间都占据了我们就没有办法去光顾其他地方了 谢谢~要正确

Mr and Mrs earned a lot of money, so they go for a trip. they live in a luxurious hotel at the seashore. the time-table set by the hotel is as follows:breakfast time from 7 to half past 11 in the morning ;lunch time from midnoon to 3 in the afternoon;4 to 5 in the afternoon is for the afternoon tea; and 6 to half past 9 in the evening is for the dinner. Mr and Mrs felt that the time-table occupied all the time that they could not arrange to see around .