
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 12:40:38
我打算将来出国留学 现在英语水平当然还没到啦.. 一周后要见一个老外和一群平定我水平的老师(教育工作者..) 有中国人也有外国人 外国人也有长期在中国从事留学工作的..
有些点我不会用英文说 麻烦各位才子才女们帮忙翻译一下..

去年获得了..市三好学生 一共700名学生中选一位 我被选上了
被保送进入学校高中的实验班 ..
进入学校演讲社 (社团活动)
曾经去..市戒毒劳动教养管理所进行社会调查 (那个地方其实就是关吸毒的那些人的劳教所..) 翻译得听得明白又比较不业余就好啦

采访过各种各样的社会各界人士 包括桑兰(请帮忙顺便用英文翻译一下桑兰是个怎样的人..简单介绍一下她就好 我怕老外不知道这名字..) 因此也有幸参与过社会许多活动 丰富了视野 锻炼了交际能力


是一个活泼开朗 爱好艺术活动 有艺术细胞.. 努力上进 积极参与 有良好社交能力 自信 勤奋的女孩...
(个别形容词不需要直接按上面的翻译啦.. 就是把这些点都用英语说出来... 让人家听了明白的.. 我不是写啊 是要口语说出来..)

我知道可能会比较麻烦.. 但是 时间比较紧呀.. 真的太感谢帮我的各位了!! 谢谢啊!!!!!!!!
(不用整成一个文章的 就把上面提到的中文内容用英文说一下 让我在跟老外讲的时候知道怎么用词 怎么说 )谢谢!!!

Last year the total students Miyoshi City .. 700 students who selected me to be elected on a
Three-year junior high school class has been a member of the cultural, organizational students together each year to participate in the Festival Chorus, is responsible each year for school athletic meets scheduled for the opening ceremony of the show, presided over too many classes will field, a large number of school activities.
Have been sent into the school's experimental high school classes ..
Social speech into the school (community activities)
.. Many times to the library for volunteer service activities
.. The city had to re-education through labor drug for the management of social survey (that place is in fact related drug those who re-education through labor ..) understand and hear the translation was less amateur Jiuhao La

In children's television channel had presided over the program
Television has done "reporter" <