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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 06:09:39
加拿大(英语/法语:Canada)。加拿大立国初期的官方全名是加拿大自治领(英语:The Dominion of Canada 法语:Le Dominion du Canada)。在1535年,两名印第安青年告诉了Jacques Cartier通往“kanata”的路线,他们当时指的是斯塔达科纳(Stadacona)的村庄。kanata是Huron-Iroquois语,意思是村落或拓居地。但由于缺乏该地区的具体名称,Cartier便将其称为“加拿大”(Canada),不仅指斯塔达科纳(现在的魁北克城),还包括隶属于大酋长Donnacona的所有地区。此后,“加拿大”一词涵盖的领土面积大幅增加:根据1547年地图,圣劳伦斯河(St. Lawrence River)北部均属于加拿大。
Cartier还将圣劳伦斯河称为“加拿大河(rivière de Canada)”,这个名字一直沿用到17世纪初期。到1616年,虽然整个地区已被命名为新法兰西(New France),但加拿大大河及圣劳伦斯湾(Gulf of St. Lawrence)沿岸的土地仍被称为加拿大。
当魁北克在1791年被划分成上加拿大(Upper Canada)和下加拿大(Lower Canada)殖民地时,“加拿大”一词首次被官方启用。上下加拿大于1841年再次统一,成为加拿大省(Pro

There is more than 2,700 myriad peoples in Canada and the population density is small.The whole country greatly part of Canadianses live in to add, beautiful boundary district.75% which all adds population lives in to be apart from to add a beautiful boundary 160 kilometers in.More arrive northern population in Canada more rarely seen.Asian immigrate to in great quantities flow out into Canada in recent years, in Asia the emigrant come from China greatly six, Taiwan, the Chinese people of Hong Kong reach to 80 myriad peoples, the concentration lives in Torondo(40 myriad peoples) in Ontario and Quebec save of Montreal(15 myriad peoples), Vancouver(25 myriad peoples) in Britain Columbia province.
Language because the earlier period comes to Canada of European the emigrant all fastens an English, method descendant, so take English as the Canadian of mother tongue to have 82%, French is 16%.(take Quebec saving as a lord)In great quantities flow out to go into along with the Asian