
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 12:32:27


一、 活动主题:和谐世逸·感谢有你

二、 活动对象:2008年11月1日前(包括)在公司服务满试用期的所有在职职员工家属

三、 活动时间:2008年12月1日

四、 活动形式:邮局定制富有公司特色的新年贺卡并统一邮寄职员工家属

Thanks for serving staff for their hard work and their family members behind the understanding and support to carry forward the "filial gratitude," the spirit of enterprise culture, as chairman of the board approval of the preparations for the Department of Personnel Administration, on the eve of New Year's Day, held special for the families of the serving staff New Year's Day greeting cards to send, as follows:

First, the theme: Harmonious World Plaza thank you

Second, the activities of the object: November 1, 2008 (including) the company in the service of the probationary period for all on-the-job families of the serving staff

Third, the activities of Time: December 1, 2008

Fourth, in the form of activities: the post office full of custom features of the New Year's greeting cards by post reunification of the serving staff and their families