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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 09:05:20
藏族 除夕那天,人们穿上艳丽服装,戴着奇形怪状的假面具,用唢呐、海螺、大鼓奏乐,奉行隆重而又盛大的“跳神会”。小伙子们狂舞高歌,表示除旧迎新,驱邪降福。到了新年早晨,妇女们便去背“吉祥水”,预祝新的一年吉祥如意。

The Tibetan nationality that day New Year's Eve, people the gorgeous clothing of put on, is wearing the mask grotesque in shape , the bass drum is playing music , pursuing ceremonious and grand as well "sorcerer's dance in a trance will be " with the suona horn , the whelk. Young fellows dance with Gao Ge in self's hands crazily , indicate that except that the old friend welcoming new arrivals , expelling evil influences and invoking blessings. Have arrived at New Year women just go to carry "lucky water on the back" in the morning, wish new lucky ruyi for 1 year beforehand. The Bouyei nationality , every year living in Chinese southwest frontier stay up late on New Year's Eve all night long in the evening New Year's Eve. One day light , girls go round the house outside to carry water emulatively , who is picked first returning to the first piculs of water, who is the most diligent girl. There Chingpo nationality people is fond of holding the