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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 06:57:50
美国黑人(Black Americans)
美国黑人的历史可追溯到16世纪美洲沦为欧洲殖民地的时期。16~19世纪,欧洲殖民者从非洲 (主要是西非、刚果和安哥拉 )劫运大批黑人奴隶到美洲 ,其中半数以上运入今美国境内,主要在南部诸州的棉花、甘蔗种植场和矿山当苦工,深受白人种族主义者的残酷剥削和虐待。随着美国工业的发展,南方的黑人陆续迁往北方和西北方城市。1861~1865年南北战争后,虽然从法律上废除了奴隶制度,但是黑人仍受种族歧视和压迫,美国黑人在政治、经济、教育、就业、居住等方面很难享受到与白人相同的待遇。他们处在美国社会的底层,时刻受到失业、贫病和死亡的威胁,因此,他们曾进行长期的反抗斗争,仅1968年的一次黑人抗暴斗争就席卷包括华盛顿在内的168个城市。


(Black Americans)

In the history of European colonists was Jieyun to the United States slave descendants of black Africans. Also known as African-Americans. Negroponte is a race. 2 / 3 for the black and white are mixed. General English. The main Protestant and Catholic Christianity; some people, such as Islam and Judaism. In the history of African-American played an important role, they actively participate in the American War of Independence and the anti-fascist war, Li repeated military exploits. On the economic and cultural development in the United States has also made great contributions to the United States has been a major force in agriculture; in the black workers in the iron and steel industry accounts for about 1 / 3, in the automobile industry accounted for about half of them; in music, literature and art, sports; , The achievements of black people is more significant.

African-American history can be traced back to 16th