
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 23:09:13
我是一名助理会计师xx毕业于安徽财贸学院财会专业。xx年至xx年在江西省中国工商银行北京西路办事处任 分理处主任,5年的银行经验让我养成了稳重、勤奋、认真以及力求上进的个人特点。在工作中尽量去捕捉每一个可以锻炼的机会,与不同层次的人相处,让自己近距离地接触社会,感受人生,品味生活的酸、甜、苦、辣,使自己尽快地成熟。在工作结识了一大批各行各业的朋友,形成了良好稳定的储源。熟悉银行业务努力开拓市场能很好的独立完成领导布置的任务。在任所主任期间有较强的组织领导能力具有良好的团对合作精神,能吃苦在前享受在后在同事中起到表率作用,所在的分理处多次获得省行各项荣誉,同时个人也多次在业务技能测试中获得点钞、中文录入、计算器等多项能手称号。
xx年因工作关系调入江西省商业建筑设计院任主办会计,在全新的工作压力下我能勤奋学习专业知识,努力把理论知识运用到实践中去,专研会计电算化知识以及熟练使用Word、Excel、Powerpoint等办公软件。在思想方面,积极追求进步, 积极参加社会活动多种社会实践也给我积累了很多经验使自己成为一名复合型人才,连续多年被评为先进工作者。

Dear Officials,

I am an assitant accoutant graduated from AnHui Business School majoring in accouting. I held the title of Branch Manager of ICBC at the West BeiJing Street. Five years of banking experience had trained me to be patient, diligent, serious, and motivated. During work, I tried my best at capturing every opportunity that could improve myself, communicate with people at different social levels, and interact closely with my environment, such that I can get a good sense of some of the valuable traits in life to make myself maturer. I also made friends from many different aspects of work, and thus established a strong social network. Being familiar with the banking business has greatly prepared myself to complete the given tasks independently. Within the period of being the Branch Manager, I showed strong leadership and collaborative skills, and at the same time, I motivated others by hard working. My branch has received many titles from the upper management, and