
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 13:52:50
Rick在巴黎遇到Ilsa的时候,并不知道她已经是Victor的妻子;Rick在Casablanca遇到Ilsa的时候,也并不知道自己一直在 Ilsa的心里,从未离开。在Casa,他遇到的已经不是他认识的Ilsa,而是Mrs.Laszlo,他恨她,他悲伤,他反复告诉自己一定不要原谅那个女人,却在Ilsa出现的当晚,在咖啡馆打烊之后,等待Ilsa的到来。"I'm waiting for a lady...She's coming back.I know she's coming back."明明恨她,又为什么盼望她回来?人就是这样。你惟一无法逃避的就是你自己,真实的自己。当我们疑问为什么Rick会有这样的举动,其实我们已经在心理确信,换做是自己,一样也要在那里等候Ilsa的到来。Rick并不真的恨她。
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."也许他真的从未想过在Casa遇到Ilsa,他躲在北非的角落,逃避自己,却逃不出命运的安排。许多年,他不允许Sam弹奏As Time Gose By,但现在他已无法隐瞒,"You know what I want to hear..."于是Sam在那个晚上第二次弹奏几年前在巴黎时经常弹奏的曲子,时间也随之回到过去。
Ilsa没有骗过Rick,她一直爱着Rick,但当Victor死而复生的时候,她不是Ilsa,而是Mrs.Laszlo,Victor需要她,亦即革命需要她。所以她只能抛弃Rick而回到Victor的世界里。"With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love."彼此深爱的两个人就这样没有结束地结束,罪过不在于Victor,而在那场战争。
以后的几年彼此都没有太多故事,因为失去彼此,什么都谈不上故事。直到Ilsa来到Casa,来到Rick的咖啡馆,再次闯入Rick的世界。 Victor需要一张通行证,而Rick是惟一可以帮助他的人。但Rick不会原谅Ilsa,因为他并不知道几年前Ils

Rick met Ilsa in Paris, she is not aware of Victor's wife; Rick encountered Ilsa in Casablanca, does not know Ilsa has been the heart and never left. At Casa, he has not encountered he knew Ilsa, but Mrs.Laszlo, he hated her, he sad, he repeatedly told his own must not forgive the woman, but it appears Ilsa in the evening, after closing at the coffee shop, Wait for the arrival of Ilsa. "I'm waiting for a lady ... She's coming back.I know she's coming back." They hate her, why she was looking forward to come back? Is one such person. You can not be the only escape is your own, true self. When we question why such a move would be Rick, in fact, we have psychological convinced that it is for themselves, as there have to wait for the arrival of Ilsa. Rick does not really hate her.
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." Perhaps he never really thought about in the Casa encountered Ilsa, he's hiding in