
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/06 00:08:08
随着上海市社会经济的迅猛发展,人们的生活水平和医疗需求水平不断提高,人口的预期寿命也不断延长,这无疑是社会进步的表现。但是, 近几年来上海老年人口以平均每年近十万人的速度迅速增长,上海成为中国第一个出现人口负增长的城市,并且已惊人的速度跑步进入老龄化社会行列。由于,老年人生理机能衰退,健康水平下降,各种疾病的发生率增高,导致老年人口对医疗服务需要远高于非老年人群。因此,人口老龄化的不断加剧在给上海社会带来沉重养老负担的同时也让沪上各类医疗机构存在的问题慢慢浮出水面。面对这群医疗服务的高消费人群,如何及时救治,妥善安排,合理养老,已经成为整一个社会又一个关注的焦点。
关键词:人口老龄化 医疗需求 医疗服务现状 及时救治 妥善安排 合理养老

The standard of living and medical demands have risen with the economic development of Shanghai. Life expectancy of the population also continues to increase. These are signs of social progress. However, over the recent years the elderly population in Shanghai has been booming at an average rate of 100 thousand people per annum. Shanghai has become the first city to record negative growth of population, and will inevitably develop into an aging society. Because of the deterioration of physiological function and health, and the high occurrence rate of all kinds of diseases, the elderly demand for more medical attention than younger people. Therefore, the aging of population has presented an enormous problem for Shanghai city, and at the same time brings a huge number of deficiencies existing in many medical institutions to surface. Issues regarding emergency treatment and cure, appropriate arrangement and reasonable provision for the aged will definitely get people’s attention when f