
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 11:08:11

I am a very interesting, fun, and I do not like other people, I like to collect character of notebook and laptop in each of the first page of a mess of some painting or drawing text, and then on the inside of my bookcase. A long time, my bookcase, there are a variety of notebooks. I like watching them.
I like to listen to English songs, rock or punk, and I can sing fluent, despite my poor English results. I like the noise of the songs in English, or fast-paced rap, and then I practice, the Sihou over and over again, the dorm room that my friend is right to practice their ears of torture. I will practice in a low voice.
I like black nail polish, because I think black cool, and very mysterious. I always tell you that I'll nail scissors into the triangle, as with the devil like, but I did not do so because I am a reasonable person.
Interesting that he is difficult, because the real fun of themselves is not such a thought.
I think I need to ask my friend wher