
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 17:03:25
1 贪官一旦被提拔到更高的职位,就会忙于滥用职权。(be busy with / be busy doing)
2 他们一直留意报纸上有关他们改进后的新产品的消息。(watch for)
3 军队太弱了,抵挡不住下一次的进攻。(resistant)
4 除了英语之外,他还会说五种外语。(in addition to)
5 现在我们有好几种选择。(alternative)
6 双方商定了谈判的日期。(agree on)
7 这栋办公楼的中央供暖系统坏了,几位工人正在修理。
8 在一年的这个时候下暴风雪是少有的事。
9 我们采取了防备措施将珠宝锁进了旅馆的保险柜里。(precaution)

1 corrupt officials once they are promoted to higher posts will be busy with abuse of power. (be busy with / be busy doing)
2, they kept an eye on the newspapers about their improved new products. (watch for)
3 of the armed forces are too weak, can not stop the arrival of the next attack. (resistant)
4, in addition to English, he also said that five foreign languages. (in addition to)
5, we now have several choices. (alternative)
6 The two sides agreed on a date. (agree on)
7 office building of the central heating system breaks down, the number of workers under repair.
8, in this time of year under a rare snowstorm.
9, we have taken precautions jewelry will be locked into the hotel safe. (precaution)