
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 07:08:33
Curls Omnipotent
Has the excellent hair treating system.The protenin derivation in it can intemsively coherent to the hair when perming.Imstantly replenihsh the protein-loss,repair the brittle hair,and leave the hair soft,bodyand shiny.The cation,a monopoly ingredient can be infiltrate in to hair,strengthening its center,repairing the bamaged hair,and protecting the its surface,The double-function can give the hair extra healthy-kiijubg.Besides,the cation can keep the curls soft and shiny buring the process of nrutralize.The special flower incense would nake you feel fresh and balmy.

Detail:Gentle alkaline formulation. Be used to create marking,wave and full perm style. Adjust the curl by itself. The avocado and pike oil can maintain the best balance of the water in the hair. cation,rupair the damaged hair.Low ammonia formulation,protect the hair

Curls Omnipotent
Has the excellent hair treating system.The protenin derivation in it can intensively coherent to the hair when perming. Instantly replenish the protein-loss,repair the brittle hair,and leave the hair soft,bodyand shiny.The cation,a monopoly ingredient can be infiltrate in to hair,strengthening its center,repairing the bamaged hair,and protecting the its surface,The double-function can give the hair extra healthy-kiijubg.Besides,the cation can keep the curls soft and shiny buring the process of nrutralize.The special flower incense would nake you feel fresh and balmy.
此产品有出色的头发护理体系,蛋白质的导入可以集中粘合头发。立刻注入丢失的蛋白质并且修复发根使头发松软,有粘性,有光泽。同时,独特的导入功能渗入头皮,牢固发根,修复受损发质,起到保护表皮的作用。这2个因素是头发倍受呵护, 还能在使用过程中保持发卷的柔软跟闪亮。特别的花香成分让你感觉新鲜跟温和的气息。
Detail:Gentle alkaline formulation. Be used to create marking,wave and full perm style. Adjust the curl by itself. The avocado and pike oil can maintain the best balance of the water in the hair. cation,rupair the damaged hair.Lo