
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 05:24:02
Why might missing sections of the X or Y chromosome be a bigger problem in males than deletions would be in one of the X chromosomes in females?
中文:为什么男性的染色体中少了x 或者 y 会比女性染色体少了x更严重?





First, the male have two different sex chromosomes---X and Y;

Second, X chromosome has many essential genes which can ensure the normal growth of the embryo;

Third, when the female lose one X chromosome, they'll get the genetic disease called "Turner Syndrome "(X0) whose symptom is sterile ,but most of the patients have normal intelligence;

Fourth, when one male loses one X chromosome(0Y), he'll die in utero.

Fifth, it's impossible for a male without Y chromosome,as we define a person whether is male or not by observing the existence of the Y chromosome.(the gene which can control the growth of the testis locates in the Y chromosome)

To sum up, as the female has two X chromosomes, when she just loses one of them, she won't die. However, since th