
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:25:35
NOTE: 此页用来配置振铃的节奏(Ring Cadence), 一般不需要用户配置。 RING0--RING7表示8中振铃节奏配置,配置数据共8个字节64位,其中,位的定义如下:

1. 63--4:表示振铃节奏,其中每位代表100ms的振铃或者不振铃时间,60位共表示6秒,位值为1表示振铃,为0反之。

2. 3:此位表示振铃是按照节奏连续执行还是只执行一次,如果此位值为0,表示连续振铃,为0表示只振铃一次。

3. 2--0: 保留,必须为0。




NOTE: This page supplies us with configuration of the Ring Cadence,
generally no need user profile.
RING0 - RING7 means 8 kinds of configuration of the Ring Cadence,
each configuration data has 8-byte(64-bit),
and the definition of bit as follows:

1. 63 - 4bit: means that the Ring Cadence, every bit indicates 100ms ring or not ring,
60 bits indicate 6 seconds in all,
the value of means 1 ring , the value of 0 means not ring.

2. 3bit: This is a place that according to the Ring Cadence ringing in a row or not,

This page is used to configure the ring cadence, normally not necessary for the users. RING0-RING7 means the 8 types of cadence configurations, with data assigned for 8 bytes (64 bits).

The bit pattern is defined as following:

1. 63-4: Ring cadence. Each bit represents the time of 100ms, either with or without a ton. 60 bits are totally 6 seconds. Value 1 of each bit means with a ton, and 0 without ton.

2. 3: This bit shows if the ton should ring repeatedly or only once, 0 means repeatedly and 1 means only once.

3. 2-0 reserved. Must be 0.

This page used to configure the rhythm of the ring (Ring Cadence), generally do not need user profile. RING0 - RING7 that 8 in the rhythm ring configuration, the configuration data of 8-bit 64-bit, and bit the definition is as follows:

1.63 - 4: that the rhythm ring, in which every 100ms on behalf of the ring or not ring, 60, said a total of 6 seconds, the value of 1 ring that, contrary