
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 13:25:17
在 愚人节,人们喜欢搞恶作剧,但是被捉弄的人们都不会生气。人们把上当的人称作“四月傻瓜”。愚人节人很都很快乐。

In the April Fool's Day, people like to engage in mischief, but was not make fun of people angry. People who called themselves the "April fool." April Fool's Day are all very happy.

Thanksgiving in November of each year the fourth Thursday. At this time, there will always be family reunion. Thanksgiving Day people will be eating turkey and ham.

In the April Fool's Day, people like to engage in mischief, but was not make fun of people angry. People who called themselves the "April fool." April Fool's Day are all very happy.

Thanksgiving in November of each year the fourth Thursday. At this time, there will always be family reunion. Thanksgiving Day people will be eating turkey and ham.


In the April Fool's Day,people likes prank-playing ,however,the people who are tricked will never be angry.The people who is fooled will be called "April Fool".Everyo