
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 09:53:17
Market Volatility a Necessary Windows for Financial Profit

In fact, market volatility, another term for shot-term instability, in the financial sector of the economy has become a major source of profit for financial institutions. Long-term investors are endangered species in the financial world; most market participants have become leveraged traders for short-term profit, even pension funds and university endowment funds. The only factor of production that maintains any semblance of stability is wages.

The recurring financial crises around the world shared similar characteristics. Each crisis was largely unanticipated by market analysts and central bank economists, with the forward markets providing no indication of the impending upheaval. Going into each crisis, complacent traders took on highly leveraged long positions in currencies, bonds, or spread products that soon came under heavy speculative counterattack. In each case, traders adopted trading models con

我用灵格斯翻译的, 意思差不多吧, 不肯能全对..




从理论上说,汇率的调整,实现购买力平价( PPP )两种货币之间。购买力平价是实现当一个单位的本国货币可以购买相同数量的货物在另一经济体系时,转换为外币在当前的汇率,以符合法律的一个价格。如果按购买力平价持有,然后相同的商品篮子的售价应该以同样的价格在每一个经济后,汇率换算。如果它们不这样做,那么机会“无风险的利润”将通过套利存在的外汇市场,转化为大规模的资金流动跨越国界。最后,价格套利将确定市场汇率或商品价格中的两个经济体将改变购买力平价,使这两种货币间的重建。随着放松管制的全球资本市场,资产价格也调整趋同的购买力平价两种货币之间导致市场崩溃。