
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 15:46:42
出三亚市沿海滨西行26公里,便是古人所谓的天之尽头--“天涯海角”。 游客至此,似乎到了天地之尽头。 “天涯海角”意为天之边缘、海之尽头。 古时候交通闭塞,“鸟飞尚需半年程”的琼岛,人烟稀少,荒芜凄凉,是封建王朝流放“逆臣”之地。来到这里的人,来去无路,望海兴叹,故谓之“天涯海角”。 这里记载着历史上贬官逆臣的悲剧人生,经历代文人墨客的题咏描绘,成为我国富有神奇色彩的著名游览胜地。这里水天一色,烟波浩渺,帆影点点,椰林婆娑,奇石林立,那刻有“天涯”、“海角”、“南天一柱”、“海判南天”的巨石雄峙海滨,甚为壮观。现在景区内还建有海水浴场、钓鱼台及海上游艇等设施。一座由现代建筑和仿古典传统园林式建筑风格相结合的"天涯购物寨"、"天涯漫游区"、"天涯画廊"、"天涯民族风情园"、"天涯历史名人雕像"等屹立在海角景区,令人目不暇接,流连忘返。附近有"点火台"、"望海阁"、"怀苏亭"和曲径通幽组成的登山多层次游览胜地。

Sanya, a coastal city 26 kilometers westbound foreshore is the so-called ancient days at the end - "the ends of the earth." At this point the tourists, it seems that at the end of the world. "The ends of the earth" means the edge of days, at the end of the Ocean. In ancient times blocking traffic, "Niaofei still half-way" Qiongdao, sparsely populated, desolate desert, is the feudal dynasty exile "Ni Chen" to. Come here, come and go into a blind alley and look beyond the sea, it is referred to as "the ends of the earth." Here are recorded in the history of officials down the tragedy of life, Ni Chen, on behalf of experience seekers can explore the Tiyong painted, and has become a wonderful rich flavor well-known tourist attractions. Shuitianyise here, the vast Yan Bo, Fan Ying little bit, whirling coconut, many stones, engraved with "End of the World," "Cape", "South Tianyi column" and "South Sea day