
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 23:41:51
The Adventures of Hucklberry Finn In this novel , Huck's age and background are as important as his personality . Huck is a child-only about thir**** years old -who comes from the lowest levels of white society :his father is a drunk and a ruffian who disappears for months on end . Huck himself is dirty and frequently homeless .Although he is being “reformed”by the window Douglas at the beginning of the novel ,Huck remains a marginalied member of society .The community has failed toprotect him from his father ,and though he finally gets some of the schooling and religious training that he had missed ,he has not been indoctrinated with social values in the some way a middle -class,mainstream boy like Tom Sawyer has been .Huck becomes skeptical of the world around him,and constantly look to distance himself from it.Since he is a child ,Huck is aways vulnerable :any adult he encounters has power over him .This allows Twain to compareHuck to Jim,who,as a slave,



这是一个关于Hucklberry Finn 的冒险故事.Huck的年纪和背景就和他的人品一样重要.从他3岁起Huck就成了一个单亲家庭长大的孩子,它来自于社会最底层的白人家庭,他的爸爸是一个酒鬼加无赖,因此最终Huck的妈妈离家出走了.Huck自己是一个肮脏无家可归的孩子.虽然在故事的开头他曾为那个经常在窗前的小女孩改善过,但他人就是一个社会边缘的人.社区的帮助他能改掉从他爸爸那里来的坏习惯,虽然他最终进入了学校她失去的宗教教育,但最终没能教化成一个像Tom Sawyer 那样的一个是社会主流的孩子.他变成一个疑心很重的小孩,经常直直的看着他人.在他很小的时候,他就会有暴力,任何他接近的成年人都怕他.这使
Twain 把Huck比作Jim(一个黑奴,经常对白人使用暴力,甚至对Huck这样的白种穷人)其实Huck虽然没怎么受过教育但是一个有思想,聪明的孩子是一个有毅力完成自己设定认为重要目标的人,即使结果会与社会的不同.不管怎们说,他还是个孩子,很容易被他人影响特别是他向往的朋友,TOM .Huck本能的不信任和经历就如他的一个旅行.