
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 02:20:00
We have been informed that students may need more than $15,000 per year next year, but we do not have the exact figures yet. The Nordan scholarship is different than the academic scholarship and financial aid. However, students can never receive more than full tuition which is $26,900 this year. Since our scholarships and financial aid are partial, you will need more than $15,000 per year in sponsorship in order to be considered for admission to TCU. Please inform us if you have a financial sponsor and how much they can pay for your educational expenses each year. Thank you for your assistance.
1,“We have been informed that students may need more than $15,000 per year next year, but we do not have the exact figures yet. ”也就是说,即使获得最高奖学金的学生,每年也要至少付15000的学费。
2,“Since our scholarships and financial aid are partial, you will need more than $15,000 per year in sponsorship in order to be considered for admission to TCU. ”他们的奖学金只是partial,不会提供全额奖学金。

的确如此 今年留学形势很严峻的 许多北京高校学生过了TOFEL GRE的都被迫放弃了出国的机会
你可以考虑银行贷款 这封信基本的意思是将奖学金和助学金都计算在内,你同样需要每年付$15,000作为进入TCU这所大学读书的担保 意思就是$15,000是底限。说句实话这个价格真的算低的了,给你几条路:银行贷款,另外就是根据父母的家庭和人脉去寻求资助,我一个朋友就是跟他一个亲戚借的钱去UCLA留学,然后去那勤工俭学。。
另外今年的留学环境真的不算很好,全奖只能去发给特别特别优秀的人,因为那些高校都是私立大学,自身都难保呢。。你能有这样一个机会,说明你英语水准不低,先发挥自己特长多参加社会实践,既能积累经验 符合美国大学招收的评价标准,又能攒下一定的资金。。等经济周期扭转回来,两三年之后留学市场又将迎来春天,到时候再考TOFEL GRE 申请个更好学校的全奖也不迟哈 祝你好运!!