
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 07:27:51
One morning twelve years ago in Richmond,the narrator was wandering aimlessly in the street when two policemen came up and arrested simply because they found him wearing long untidy hair and wandering without any purpose and they thought he might want to steal milk bottles.Then he was charged.But the trial was dismissed after fifteen minutes,and the narrator was free.But his release was based on the facts that he had the right accent;he had respectable,middle-class parents in court;he had reliable witnesses and he could afford a very good solicitor.From the incident happened,we could see one aspect of life in western countries-the arbitrariness of law.


One morning twelve years ago in Richmond,the narrator was wandering aimlessly in the street when two policemen came up and arrested simply because they found him wearing long untidy hair and wandering without any purpose and they thought he might want to steal milk bottles.Then he was charged.But the trial was dismissed after fifteen minutes,and the narrator was free.But his release was based on the facts that he had the right accent;he had respectable,middle-class parents in court;he had reliable witnesses and he could afford a very good solicitor.From the incident happened,we could see one aspect of life in western countries-the arbitrariness of law.
