
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 00:01:45
It was a very busy day, as usual, in this small seaside town. The street merchants were calling out the items they were selling and the buyers were haggling with the merchants. Traders got off the newly arrived ships, and porters were dashing around with bags of goods on their bare backs. From time to time there would be a loud “crash” followed by an angry threat “you’ll be paying for that!”
However, all these noises seemed to be blocked out from a room on the second floor of a small orphanage. In there, a woman was braiding the hair of a young girl, who was looking at her patched up blueberry dress and tugging on it.
“Do you have everything you need Quiritus?” asked the woman of thirty-something who had a brown dress on that looked more like an apron made up of some old tablecloth from two Christmas before
“Yes.” Answered the girl. “And thank you Bubble for the skirt.”
“You’re welcome Quiritus. I can’t let you go out dressed up like a beggar. Do you know how to go

这是一个非常忙碌的一天,象往常一样,在这个小小的海滨城市. 街的商家都在喊卖,这些物品是买家与商家拉锯. 新到的船商下车,潇洒玩脚夫袋货物的背部裸露. 不时会有一阵"速成"后,愤怒的威胁",到头来将支付!" 然而,所有这些声音似乎被从二楼一个房间一个小孤儿院. 在那里,她的头发编织的年轻女性看了看她,对着穿在blueberry乱放. "您有什么需要你quiritus?" 问她30多岁的人穿的棕色,显得更像一个停机坪由圣诞节前约两老桌布 "有" 女孩回答. "谢谢你的裙子泡沫" "没事quiritus欢迎. 凡是我让你出门打扮的乞丐. 你知道如何去Prontera? " "有" "记住,你必须去转一转,然后PayonProntera" "我知道" "如果迷路,请在任何一个城市,卫兵倒非常乐意帮助你" "泡沫,我不知道--听了孩子了. 14少! "他还表示,Quiritus服饰与她握手齐. 这是她第一次穿了14年的成长--她穿补丁. "哦,我知道quiritus,但我还是认为你是那个小小孩躲进我的床,包括精锐Thunders之外,他扮演的海滩,带回数十贝壳与火花的眼睛,他们总想成长得更快" 她说泡沫Quiritus绑两个辫子,黑色串. "那里,"她笑着. quiritus转身微笑面对泡沫和泡沫. "这么多::多少成长. 你知道我对你有食物? " "泡沫! :: . " "自9岁,在我后面加了多少全部搬运行李,你知道如何跟人仍担心少" quiritus突然提出警告,并拥抱了泡沫. "谢谢你的泡沫" 泡沫微笑和再次举行quiritus她领导的前几分钟楼下.

资讯科技是一个非常忙碌的日子, 像往常一样,在这个小的海浜城镇中。 街道商人正在大叫他们正在卖的项目,而且买主正在以商人争论。商人下崭新到达的船,而且门房以在他们的赤裸背面上的货物袋子是活耀的在附近。 时常会有一个被一种生气的威胁跟随的大声 " 坠毁 &quo