
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 10:56:22

How to make someone fall in love with you
Good day everyone! Let’s talk about love.
I am sure that would get your attention.
Learn how to win love! Learn how to capture a heart!
Make that person you love, love you back.
Be a hunk or a fox. Be a magnet for love.
Let me tell you some secrets right now.
First, be “in the know.” Be a detective of love.
Collect all the information you can.
Investigate your dreamboat. Knowledge is power.
Know everything before you begin you courtship.
Meanwhile, get you body into shape. Look sexy and attractive.
Look and feel good, both inside and out.
Second, be honest about how you feel. Ask your love interest out!
Break the ice as soon as possible.
Say, “I really think you are special. I’d like to know more about you.
Would you like to go out on a date?”
Being direct is the modern way. This approach saves time and w