MSN不能登陆 请高手指点

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 23:38:46
MSN登陆不了 重新安装后还是登不上去
提示80048820错误 点疑难解答主机文件和无线那两个勾没有
修复也不管用 肯定不是网络问题 绝对能上网
请高手指教 感激不尽
我在公司局域网上的MSN 其他机器都可以登陆的,惟独我不行 但是机器的配置系统全是用GHOST装的 别人能上我为什么上不了


When you start MSN Messenger you cannot sign in, and you get the message:

Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the MSN Messenger at this time. Please try again later.

To let us try and troubleshoot the problem, click the Troubleshoot button.


Fix this error / possible solutionThis error seems to indicate a problem with MSN Messenger's encryption routines.
The usual cause is that the time on your computer is not correct.
To correct the time on your computer, double-click the clock in the bottom right of your screen, in the window that appears you should check both the time and date.
If you use Windows XP, you can automatically correct the time by clicking the "Internet Time" tab, next click the "Update Now" button.
If you still have problems connecting with the time adjusted, try to run this file. This will make sure MSN Messenger can find all the files it need