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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 08:44:14
6、价值观与审美意识的差异。由于文化的差异导致人们的价值观及审美意识的不同,导致人们对同一事物有着不同的甚至截然相反的观点和看法。在价值观念方面体现在个体与集体的观念不同,个人价值至上是西方文化的特点,英语中有不少表现语词的个人进取、个人力量、个人意志,如:“Where there is a will。there is a way'’(有志者,事竞成)、“Everyman is the architects of his own forune.”(自然的幸福靠自己)、“You have to blow your own horn'’(应吹自己的号角)。与西方“海洋民族”相对的中国“农耕民族”崇尚社团价值至上,无我精神。如:“单丝不成线,独木不成林”、“大公无私”。群体取向使中国人性格内向、含蓄,不愿引人注目,因而产生了“树大招风,人大惹议”、“人怕出名猪怕壮”等。在审美取向方面,中国传统喜庆偏向红色装饰,而西方则多为白色,汉语中的红茶,英译为“black tea'’。以上例子表明,英汉文化在价值观和审美观方面的差异影响语词的翻译。英汉民族存在的文化差异决定了语词表达形式及词义的选择,在翻译过程中,译者应充分考虑原语词所包含的民族文化与语言个性,充分理解语词所蕴含的独特的文化意味,尽可能结合原文的文化背景,保持原文的语言风格、语言形式及艺术特色。

6. The differences in perspectives and aesthetic standard. Due to the differences in cultures, people have different perspectives and aesthetic standards, which leads to the fac tthat people have different opinions or point of views to the same issue. In the aspect of perspectives, it is shown through the fact that the perspectives of a individual and a group is different, manifesting personal value is the core of western culture, and in English there are many phrases such as be bold, personal strength, personal will, for example, "Where there is a will, there is a way", "Every man is the architects of his own fortune", "You have to blow your own horn." Opposite to the western culture's "The Oceanic Nations" is the Chinese culture's "Farming Nations" advocates group value, the spirit of being selfless. For example, "One single silk could not make a string, one single tree could not make a forest", "the spirit o