
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 18:45:49

女娲补天 Nu Wa Patches up the Sky
A nearly female figure in Chinese mythology is the goddess Nu Wa (sometimes Nu Kua). According to one legend it was she who was the creator of mankind.

The earth was a beautiful place with blossoming trees and flowers, and full of animals, birds, fish and all living creatures. But as she wandered about it Nu Wa felt very lonely. She bent down and took up a handful of earth, mixed it with water and molded a figure in her likeness. As she kneaded it the figure came alive -the first human being. Nu Wa was so pleased with her creation that she went on making more figures both men and women. They danced around her cheerily and loneliness was dispelled.

Nu Wa is defined in China's earliest dictionary by the philologist Xu Shen ( c.58-147) as being " in charge of breeding of all living things", so possibly her origin is associated with fertility.

In some versions of the legend Nu Wa is said to have been bo