
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 01:37:40

The main purpose of people study English is ability see understand English, obtain latest of information, and used for it work and study.Along with English is in the nations the exchanges of extensive usage, English reading at people of study, life and work medium impersonation importance of role.The reading is 1 kind to acquire meaning from the writing form of mental state process, English reading the teaching is English teaching of an importance the aspect also be that the student be hard exaltation in the meantime of 1.
Acquire an information in the reading of the time possibly quickly and accurately from the article is count for much.For China of high school student to say, control reading technique not only in aid of student exaltation reading speed, return ability make the student more accurately control the information in the article.

People learning English is the main purpose can read English, access to up-to-date information, and for the work and study. English